About Dr. Kevin Daley

Dr. Kevin Daley, an award-winning author who has captivated audiences in over 100 countries, stands out for his deep leadership knowledge, humor, and exceptionally engaging presentations.

Leading the Daley Speakers Academy, Kevin, affectionately known as “Special K” from his Harlem Globetrotters days, has become a towering figure in the realm of motivational speaking and leadership consultancy.

His signature keynotes, such as "The Mindset Revolution: Elevating Culture and Performance" and "The S.M.I.L.E.S. Leadership Formula: The Secret Formula Only Elite Leaders Know," are crafted to deliver strategies for success and a vibrant corporate culture, all while ensuring high engagement through humor and compelling storytelling.

Kevin's presentations are renowned for their dynamic and interactive nature, seamlessly blending humor with practical leadership strategies to create a memorable and impactful learning experience.

His approach to speaking ensures that every attendee is not just a passive listener but an active participant, fully immersed in a journey of transformation and growth.

Fluent in both Spanish and English, his ability to connect with a global audience is unparalleled, making his presentations a sought-after experience for those looking to inspire change and foster growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What topics do you cover in your presentations?

Dr. Kevin Daley specializes in leadership, teamwork, and mindset transformation, drawing on his experiences as a former Harlem Globetrotters captain and corporate consultant. His presentations, such as "The Mindset Revolution" and "The S.M.I.L.E.S. Leadership Formula," are tailored to foster personal and professional growth.

How long are your keynote presentations?

Typically, Dr. Daley's keynotes last between 45 to 60 minutes, but we can customize the duration to fit your event schedule, including shorter sessions or extended workshops.

Can you customize your presentation for our industry/organization?

Absolutely. Dr. Daley works closely with each client to tailor his messages to the specific challenges and goals of their industry or organization, ensuring relevancy and maximum impact.

What makes Dr. Daley's presentations unique?

Kevin's presentations are a dynamic blend of humor, energy, and actionable insights. His background as an international athlete and corporate consultant, combined with his engaging storytelling ability, ensures a memorable and impactful experience.

What are your speaking fees?

Fees vary depending on the event type, location, and customization required. Please contact us with your event details for a comprehensive quote.

How does Dr. Daley engage the audience during his presentations?

Dr. Daley ensures audience engagement through interactive elements, real-life storytelling, and practical exercises that resonate with attendees. His approach is designed to make every participant feel involved and empowered, transforming passive listening into an active, immersive learning experience.

What do clients typically take away from your sessions?

Attendees leave Kevin's sessions with practical strategies for enhancing leadership and teamwork, a renewed mindset towards personal and professional challenges, and actionable steps to foster a positive culture within their organizations.

How can we book Dr. Daley for our event?

You can book Dr. Daley by contacting our team through his website or via email. We recommend booking as early as possible to secure your preferred date.

Have you worked with any notable companies or organizations?

Yes, Dr. Daley has partnered with renowned organizations including Microsoft, Paycom, Northrop Grumman, and the Federal Reserve Bank, reflecting his wide appeal and expertise across various sectors.

What do we need to provide for your presentation?

For in-person events, we typically require a stage or speaking area, a microphone, and an audio/visual setup for presentations. For virtual events, we need a stable internet connection and details of the chosen platform. We will provide specific requirements well in advance of the event.